
St Annes Event Square

A scheme to revitalise the town centre.


Fylde Council


  • Project Management
  • Employer’s Agent
  • Procurement Management


In progress



| Overview

The St Annes Event Square scheme is intended to revitalise the town centre, becoming a vibrant focal point encouraging activity and a more diverse mix of uses and stimulating high street businesses;

  • Strengthen the connections between the town centre and the promenade (the ‘Pier Link’) to maximise the economic potential and synergies across the resort as a whole;
  • Encourage visitors to the seafront to also explore and dwell longer in the town centre.

The new square will capture footfall from the Station and create a memorable experience that visitors return to during their stay.

The scheme delivers on the wider collective wayfinding strategy by establishing a new destination in a collection of nodal points around St Annes and supports the overall ‘resort’ experience.

Siting the ‘Events Space’ centrally in the town will activate the High Street environment and with a realised project, build momentum in supporting the medium to long term phased transformation of St. Annes-on-Sea.  The location of the Events Space has been guided by listening to views and recommendations of local stakeholders.

Consulting with LCC highways means that the location of the Event Space has been tested and therefore increases the success of delivery from a highways perspective.

The Event Space will bring more visitors into the town centre and become the mid-way destination point between the Station and the Pier.

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Event_Towards Stage
feature bench 01
St Annes
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St Annes_Event Square_aerial
Event_Towards Stage
feature bench 01
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