Lancaster Passivhaus Village
Construction of 20 Passivhaus apartments in Lancaster
Halton Senior Co Housing
- Quantity Surveying
- Project Management
- Contract Administration
- Procurement
- Bills of Quantities
In Progress
| Overview
The Halton Senior Co Housing Project is 3 miles north of Lancaster on the River Lune. Cohousing is a creative response to Ageing. Each household is personal and private but residents come together to manage their community and share activities. Our Clients vision is that “it is an opportunity to step back in time to when everyone knew their neighbours and had the support of the local village. But we will be modern in the sense that our Passiv Haus construction is an environmentally friendly way to keep warm and dry without costing the earth”. GCL have been appointed to act as QS and Project Manager on this superb scheme, which extends our Passivhaus project portfolio again.
| Related Projects
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